Specializing in Paint and Plaster Finishes...

Mike trainded at The Atova International Educational Facility in Chicago. The introduction to basic Baldini Vernici and Max Meyer decorative products and aesthetic effect orientated apllications. The overall objective of the program is to provide a solid fundamental and working knowledge on all Max Meyer and Baldini Vernici decorative paints, plasters, and stucco. Atova International Educational Course was designed to demonstrate, train, and explore the multiple applications, techniques, and possibilities relative to the products Atova hosts and markets. By the end of the course, Mike covered all aspects of each products general and specific properties of which he is now a master of... his attention to detail and commitment to excellence keeps him strong in the industry. At Tierney drywall we employ the belief in the importance of customer service and communication and treat every job with the idea that our product is our best salesman. In this increasingly competitive market we are proud to be a company that specializes in multiple facets of drywall and plaster applications: Drywall The implementationof the newest products and techniques we are confident we have the knowledge and the know how to give our customers the best job possible. Employing a large work force with many years ofcombined sheet rocking & taping experience. Plastering An art not perfected by many. We are proud to have the skills and experience to handle any plaster project at hand. Tierney drywall has an excellent reputation getting the job done on time to your satisfaction.
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